
Credit Repair Organizations Act (2)

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (5)

Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) (3)

Topics and Issues

Accuracy (40)

Alternative Data (19)

CFPB Consumer Complaint Database Portal (20)

Class action (9)

Credit repair (34)

Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) (15)

Data/security breach (8)

Employment Screening (21)

Employment screening forms (1)

Equal Credit Opportunity (2)

Natural/declared disasters (5)

Security freezes/Credit freezes (5)

Unfair Deceptive or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP) (3)

In June 2020, CDIA provided a list of ideas in the form of a comment to the CFPB’s to the CFPB’s Taskforce on Federal Consumer Financial LawCDIA offered suggestions on Reforming the CFPB Complaints Portal; Reform of the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA); FCRA liability reform; Reform of the FCRA Employment Background Screening Forms; Placement Process for Protected Consumer Security Freezes; Accuracy; Alternative Data; Misuse of Identity Theft Protections by Credit Repair Operators; Equal Credit Opportunity Act/Regulation B Reform; Natural and Declared Disasters/Force Majeure Planning; Data Security; and UDAAP Enforcement.

The comment was in response to a Request for Information to Assist the Taskforce on Federal Consumer Financial Law.