Topics and Issues

Alternative Data (19)

Financial inclusion (22)

Non-traditional data (4)

Telecom (3)

Utilities (2)

In April 2009, PERC published a report, Credit Reporting Customer Payment Data: Impact on Customer Payment Behavior and Furnisher Costs and Benefits.  This report

examine[d] the perceived and actual costs and benefits of full-file credit reporting by nonfinancial service providers, such as telecommunications companies and utilities, and assesses its impact on customer payment behavior. Full-file credit reporting sends both timely and late payment information to a consumer credit bureau. PERC surveyed energy utility and telecommunications companies and more than 1,000 consumers.

Among other findings, the report concluded that credit reporting of this non-traditional data increases on-time payments and that credit reporting lifts up previously un-scorable consumers to bring them into the financial mainstream.