
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (70)


FTC Act (1)

Topics and Issues

Artificial Intelligence (81)

Machine Learning (7)

In January 2000, delivered a speech at the UCLA School of Law on Algorithms and Economic Injustice.  Among other things, Commissioner Slaughter said that the FTC has seen mounting evidence of AI-generated economic harms in employment, credit, healthcare, and housing.”  She added that while “[c]ompanies may not out intending to discriminate based on a consumer’s race or gender, yet these discriminatory outcomes continue.”  The FTC has powers it can exercise.  Specifically, Slaughter said that “[t]he FTC can also use its unfairness authority to target algorithmic injustice. The unfairness prong of the FTC Act  prohibits conduct that causes substantial injury to consumers, where that injury is not reasonably avoidable by consumers and not outweighed by countervailing benefits to consumers or to competition.”