
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) (206)

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (70)

Lexington Law (1)

Topics and Issues

Credit repair (34)

Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) (15)

Piggybacking (1)

According to Investopedia, “[a] number of businesses claiming to do credit repair have sprung up over time, and while some may provide services that can assist consumers, the actual results of their efforts may be questioned.”  Credit Karma says that “[a]ccording to the Federal Trade Commission, the credit repair industry is fraught with scams. To help avoid scammers, it’s important to research any credit repair organization before agreeing to work with it.”  The prevalence of credit repair operators — companies that often charge hundreds of dollars to dispute accurate, but adverse information, has led to enforcement by regulators and civil litigation.

Recent federal enforcement summary:

In August 2020, the CFPB filed suit in federal court in Florida “to enforce an investigative demand against an alleged telemarketing partner of Progrexion Marketing, which is accused of deceptively peddling credit repair services.”  That, according to a Law 360 article.