
Center for American Progress (1)

Topics and Issues

Residential/Tenant Screening (84)

Sealing Eviction Records (4)

In September 2021, the Center for American Progress published a paper, Eviction Record Expungement Can Remove Barriers to Stable Housing. The paper addressed the “Scarlet E” — evictions and observed that

[e]viction records keep individuals and families locked in a cycle of poverty; force people to live in unsafe housing; and cause homelessness and a host of other collateral consequences. One commonsense reform to help minimize the negative effects of eviction records is to increase access to and ease of eviction record sealing or expungement and to minimize public access to these records. Eviction record sealing, in combination with additional tenant protections and reforms, would greatly improve access to safe and affordable housing, especially for the people most often forced to the margins of society.