
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (70)

Topics and Issues

Credit repair (34)

Identity theft (12)

On April 17, 2017, the FTC announced in a blog post that it was eliminating the need for a police report for consumers who wish to file an identity theft complaint. The blog post was from Seena Gressin, an attorney in the Division of Consumer & Business Education at the FTC.

In September 2021, the FTC’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) reported that

[a]n FTC analysis of the complaints received during the first 6 months of calendar year 2021 revealed significant patterns that suggest a possible fraudulent use of IdentityTheft.gov. These patterns foretell a risk to the credibility of a high number of complaints within the system. In addition to raising concerns about violations of federal criminal law, a high volume of fraudulent complaints could require considerable FTC resources in identifying and implementing countermeasures—and, more broadly, could affect the FTC’s data and reputational integrity.