
Maine (6)

Maryland (7)

New York (11)

Rhode Island (1)

Topics and Issues

CRA Registration (2)

There are four states that require CRAs or credit bureaus to register with the state. No state requires CRAs or credit bureaus to obtain a license.

 Maine.  Under Maine law, “[t]he administrator, within the limits provided by law, may… Request registration and annual reregistration of consumer reporting agencies located in this State or serving users within this State and set an annual registration fee not to exceed $100, the aggregate of which must be used by the administrator to enforce this chapter.”  Maine §1310-A.1.G.  Additional information about registration is found at the Department of Professional & Financial Regulation’s Consumer Credit Protection Division with this link, http://www.maine.gov/pfr/consumercredit/licensing/credit_reporting_agency/index.htm.

According to the CCP website, “Any credit reporting agency (credit bureau) used by creditors in Maine must be registered. Registration consists of the completion of an application form, the payment of a $100.00 fee, and submission of samples of model language or forms for disclosure to consumers at time of application and model denial forms (if utilized).  Credit reporting agencies must renew their registration certificate each year by December 31st. Renewal forms are mailed yearly by November 1st.”

Forms & Applications:

Maryland.  Under Maryland regulations, a CRA which issues consumer reports in Maryland is required to register with the Commissioner of Financial Regulation.  COMAR 09.03.07.

New York. New York rules adopted by the Department of Financial Services require “[e]very consumer credit reporting agency [as defined] that, within the previous 12-month period, has assembled, evaluated, or maintained a consumer credit report on one thousand or more New York consumers shall register with the superintendent in a form and manner acceptable to the superintendent.”  23 NYCRR 201.02.  Title 23, Part 201 contains other provisions on registration or non-registration.

Rhode Island.  Under Rhode Island law (attached), “[a]ny credit bureau [as defined by § 6-13.1-20(1)] doing business in the state of Rhode Island shall immediately register in the office of the secretary of state and shall set forth its corporate or company name, agent for service of process, business address and phone number.”  Any changes to the registration must also be noticed to the Secretary. Rhode Island Code § 6-13.1-24. The Rhode Island FCRA is found at §§ 6-13.1-20 through 6-13.1-29.