
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (70)

Topics and Issues

Commercial Surveillance (2)

Data brokers (48)

Privacy (46)

In June 2024, over 30 special interest consumer groups wrote to the FTC urging it to put forth the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Commercial Surveillance and Data Security.

The letter was signed by Fight for the Future, Access Now, Advocacy For Principled Action In Government, Aspiration, Athena Coalition, Center on Race and Digital Justice, Constitutional Alliance, Consumer Federation of America, Demand Progress Education Fund, For the Many, Free Press, Generation Justice, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Just Futures Law, Line Break Media, May First Movement Technology, Media Alliance, MediaJustice, Oakland Privacy, Open Markets Institute, Organization for Identity and Cultural Development (OICD.net), PDX Privacy, Presente.org, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, Project On Government Oversight, Restore The Fourth, RootsAction.org, Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, The Civil Liberties Defense Center, The Greenlining Institute, WA People’s Privacy, Woodhull Freedom Foundation, and Yale Privacy Lab