Eric Ellman, Author at CDIA - Page 33 of 45
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By: Eric Ellman

Today, the FTC made a blog posting, Background checks on prospective employers: Keep required disclosures simple.  The posting does not break…

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Earlier this month, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities released a flawed report on background screenings that relied upon data findings…

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Recently, Lyft CEO John Zimmer was interviewed for NPR’s podcast, How I Built This.  Zimmer was asked about his company’s criminal…

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The City of Seattle is has a draft ordinance relating to fair chance housing but the proposal is wrong on three…

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In response to a troubling bill that was introduced in California, S.B. 393, CDIA sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary…

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CDIA has written letters to a house committee and a senate committee in Illinois objection to a pair of bills, H.B….

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A bill is being heard tomorrow in the Connecticut Joint Committee on the Judiciary that would require Connecticut employers to adhere the EEOC guidance on…

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Tiffany George at the FTC recently posted made a blog posting reminding users of their FCRA obligations. Her caution is against…

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February 2016, CDIA filed an amicus brief with the New York Court of Appeals in Griffin v. Sirva, Inc. In short,…

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Over the last year or so, CDIA had several opinion pieces and letters to the editor published in newspapers across the…

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