Eric Ellman, Author at CDIA - Page 41 of 45
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By: Eric Ellman

Politico reported in October 2014 that Edwina Rogers, “who served in both Bush administrations and in several posts on the Hill,…

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We noticed a column that appeared on Oct. 23 in the New York Times, A Plan to Cut Costs and Crime:…

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A blog posting on restorative justice recently caught our attention.  The posting was sent out by NAAG and authored by NAAG visiting fellow,…

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In September, President Obama nominated Charlotte Burrows to the vacant commissioner slot at the EEOC.  Burrows is former counsel to the late-Sen….

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Dollar General continues to be locked in to a battle with the EEOC in federal court in Illinois over the company’s…

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By denying BMW access to the EEOC’s hiring policies regarding the use of criminal background checks, a U.S. magistrate in South Carolina…

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SeyfarthShaw, which closely tracks EEOC litigation, released some observations about the Commission’s litigation in the preceding fiscal year. You can find more…

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We have blogged before, here, about the emerging science that is allowing judges to better predict a defendant’s likelihood of reoffending…

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Another informative blog from SeyfarthShaw about a recent ruling in EEOC v. KB Staffing, LLC illustrating how difficult it can be…

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On September 15, President Obama nominated Charlotte A. Burrows to be a Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for a term…

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