Eric Ellman, Author at CDIA - Page 9 of 45
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By: Eric Ellman

Following the arrests of two Connecticut educators in October 2021, and the investigation of a third for alleged misconduct, “[a] leader…

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This week, CDIA filed a comment to the Maryland A.G.’s office in response to a proposed rule change to amend COMAR Chapter 02.06.01,…

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Tenant screening providers serve an important public interest by offering what tenants demand and the law often requires: safe places to…

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On Nov. 4, 2021, the CFPB issued an Advisory Opinion on Fair Credit Reporting; Name-Only Matching Procedures, with a press release on the…

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We should celebrate the goal of expanding affordable housing opportunities across the U.S.  Not only should there be expanded opportunities for…

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On October 28, 2021, the EEOC announced an initiative to ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging tools used in…

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Lorelei Salas will be joining the CFPB as Assistant Director for Supervision Policy and will also serve as the Acting Assistant Director…

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Today, the FTC announced “a newly updated rule [the ‘Safeguards Rule’] that strengthens the data security safeguards that financial institutions are…

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The Urban Institute recently issued a report that highlights, again, the value that objective data can bring to overcome the human…

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We have discussed before how a recent and unfortunate appellate decision in California is slowing down or preventing criminal background checks…

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