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In March 2024, NCLC wrote an issued brief, Even the Catch-22s Come With Catch-22s: Potential Harms & Drawbacks of Rent Reporting. NCLC...
In February 2024, the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) announced a report, Past Imperfect: How Credit Scores “Bake In” and Perpetuate...
In August 2023, NCLC petitioned the CPFB for rulemaking under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA). The National Consumer Law...
In October 2023, a coalition of consumer groups led by NCLC, wrote to a long list of federal regulators on disasters...
In March 2023, NCLC filed a petition with the CFPB to request rulemaking on three specific areas. In May 2023, CDIA...
On February 8, 2023, a coalition of “immigrant rights, consumer rights, and privacy organizations” wrote to the CFPB asking it “to...
In January 2023, the DOJ and HUD filed an amicus brief in a tenant screening case pending before the U.S. District...
In October 2022, NCLC issued a new issue brief, Even the Catch-22s Come With Catch-22s: Potential Harms & Drawbacks of Rent...
In October 2022, the NCLC issued a new issue brief, Even the Catch-22s Come With Catch-22s: Potential Harms & Drawbacks of...
In October 2022, 26 consumer, civil rights, and advocacy groups wrote to federal financial institution regulators. These organizations asked these agencies...
In September, “91 consumer, civil rights, healthcare, and advocacy organizations” petitioned the CFPB to “begin the process of issuing a rule...
In June 2022, NCLC issued a report, Zombie Records: How Sealed or Expunged Court Records in Tenant & Employment Screening Reports May...
On March 29, 2022, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee held a hearing, Economic Impact of the Growing Burden of Medical Debt....
The flurry of letters from consumer groups to government agencies over tenant screening-related issues continues. Last week, the NCLC issued a...
In July 2021, several consumer groups, led by the ACLU, wrote a letter to HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge offering “proposals for...