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CFPB logo
In October 2023, the CFPB announced the release of its biennial report to Congress on the consumer credit card market. This...
In March 2023, NCLC filed a petition with the CFPB to request rulemaking on three specific areas. In May 2023, CDIA...
CFPB logo
In March 2023, NCLC filed a petition with the CFPB to request rulemaking on three specific areas. The CFPB should establish strict...
CFPB logo
In February 2023, the CFPB issued three documents related to collections and credit reporting: Market Snapshot: Trends in Third-Party Debt Collections...
In May 2021, the Congressional Research Service issued a report, The Debt Collection Market and Selected Policy Issues.
In May 2015, then Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) and a bipartisan group of 30 other state attorneys general announced that they had settled a matter with Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.