
House Financial Services Committee (67)

Topics and Issues

Financial inclusion (22)

On February 24, 2021, the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Financial Service Committee held a hearing, How Invidious Discrimination Works and Hurts: An Examination of Lending Discrimination and Its Long-term Economic Impacts on Borrowers of Color.

The committee made available links to the webcast, the committee memorandum, and H.R. 116the “Fair Lending for All Act,” a bill sponsored by the subcommittee chair, Rep. Al Green (D-TX).  Also available online is the written testimony of the five witnesses, William Darity, Jr., Professor of Public Policy, African and African American Studies, and Economics, Duke University; Director, Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity; Lisa Rice, President & CEO, National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA); Andre Perry, Senior Fellow, Metropolitan Policy Program, The Brookings Institution; Frances Espinoza, Executive Director, North Texas Fair Housing Center; and Cheryl Cooper, Analyst, Financial Economics Division, Congressional Research Service.