
California (33)

Topics and Issues

Algorithms (13)

Artificial Intelligence (77)

Background checks (73)

The California Fair Employment and Housing Council.  The Council held a Public Hearing on Algorithms and Bias on April 30, 2021. The hearing notice indicated that

Depending on the algorithm and the data used, these technologies risk perpetuating discrimination and inequality on the basis of race, disability, and many other protected characteristics in ways that are difficult to detect.

At this hearing, leading experts and practitioners will discuss these topics and strategies for reducing the risk of bias. The hearing will also focus on laws and regulations that could be enacted or amended to reduce bias by algorithmic decision-making. Members of the public will have the opportunity to make comments.

The video of the hearing is archived online.

The California Fair Employment and Housing Council is part of the California Department of Fair Employment of Housing (DFEH), the state agency that enforces California’s civil rights laws. The Council has statutory authority to pass regulations, hold hearings, and issue reports to advance civil rights in California.