
Connecticut (4)

Illinois (1)

New Jersey (10)

Texas (8)

Topics and Issues

Background checks (73)

Online Dating (1)

In 2007, New Jersey may have been the first state to pass a law addressing background checks for online dating operators. In 2007, the legislature passed the Internet Dating Safety Act. The law is codified at 56:8-168 et seq. The law also authorizes rulemaking by the Division of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Law and Public Safety in consultation with the attorney general.

In 2012, Illinois passed a law addressing background checks for online dating operators. That law is the Internet Dating Safety Act, Pub. Act 097-1056.

In 2022, Connecticut passed a law addressing background checks for online dating operators. That year, the legislature passed S.B. 5, which became law (Public Act No. 22-82). The committee report offers a good summary of the bill and the process.

In 2011, Texas passed the Internet Dating Safety Act. The bill was S.B. 488 and H.B. 1052.