
California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) (3)

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The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) noticed its December 8 meeting. In advance of the the meeting, the Agency issued a Draft Regulations on Automated Decisionmaking Technology, Risk Assessments, and Cybersecurity Audits.

The document notes that “The Agency has not yet started the formal rulemaking process for cybersecurity audits, risk assessments, or automated decisionmaking technology. The draft text in this document is included to facilitate Board discussion and public participation and is subject to change. Boxed text presents options for Board discussion.” Further, The draft text included as “Agenda Item 8 – Part 1 Draft Cybersecurity Audit Regulations” for the September 8, 2023 Board Meeting has no underline. The New Rules Subcommittee’s revisions are illustrated by blue underscore for additions and single red strikethrough for deletions.

The Agency’s December agenda included the following:

  • New CPRA Rules Subcommittee Update & Staff Presentation of Draft Regulations on Automated Decisionmaking Technology, Risk Assessments, and Cybersecurity Audits. Presenter(s): Lydia de la Torre, Board Member; Vinhcent Le, Board Member Kristen Anderson, Attorney, CPPA, Neelofer Shaikh, Attorney, CPPA
  • Regulations Proposals & Priorities, including Proposed Updates to Existing Regulations. Presenter(s): Lisa Kim, Senior Privacy Counsel and Advisor, CPPA
  • Legislation Update & Agency Proposals. Presenter(s): Maureen Mahoney, Deputy Director of Policy & Legislation, CPPA
  • Discussion and Possible Action to Adopt Proposed Regulation, Section 7600, to Establish the CPPA’s Data Broker Registration Fee, Pursuant to Civil Code § 1798.99.80, et seq. Presenter(s): Philip Laird, General Counsel, CPPA
  • CPPA Intergovernmental Engagement Update & Priorities. Presenter(s): Maureen Mahoney, Deputy Director of Policy & Legislation, CPPA