Topics and Issues

Credit Header (15)

FCRA Rulemaking (15)

Medical debt (44)

Medical debt

John Heltman, Opinion, BankThink, CFPB has the right problem but wrong answer on medical debt proposal, Am. Banker, Nov. 28, 2023. John Heltman is the Washington Bureau Chief for the American Banker.

Law enforcement

Stewart Whitson, Op-Ed, The CFPB Targets an Antiterror Tool: The FBI stopped an ISIS attack in 2015 using credit-header data, which the bureau wants to restrict, Wall Street Journal, Nov. 29, 2023. Whitson is the legal director of the Foundation for Government Accountability. Prior to joining FGA, Stewart served in the FBI as a Supervisory Special Agent leading a large Section in the FBI’s Directorate of Intelligence. Earlier in his career, Stewart served as the FBI’s lead investigator following the first ISIS-claimed attack upon the U.S. homeland and deployed to Iraq, Jordan, and Eastern Europe in support of other FBI investigations. Stewart served as a member of the FBI SWAT team and as an FBI-certified legal advisor for national security-related matters.

Jeb Hensarling, Brian Johnson, BankThink: Why does the CFPB want to undermine a key tool of law enforcement?, Am. Banker, Nov. 27, 2023. Hensarling is the Former Chairman of the U.S. House Financial Services Committee. Johnson is the Former Deputy Director, of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).