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On May 30, the CFPB hosted a Data Enforcers Convening: Data Brokers and the Sale of Sensitive Data: Privacy and Security Harm to Consumers. The meeting is “virtual, non-public, and only open to government agencies.” The Bureau’s featured speaker is Justin Sherman of Duke University and Global Cyber Strategies. Sherman will discuss “the data brokerage industry and the sale of sensitive data.”

As noted in the Bureau’s posting on the data broker meeting:

[Sherman] and his Duke team have published research and analyses on the collection and sale of data about targets and survivors of stalking and gendered violence, people with mental health conditions and the prescriptions they take, elderly Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia, people’s 24/7 locations, active-duty military servicemembers, veterans, judges, teenagers, and children (among others). He has testified to both houses of Congress, spoken at the White House and the United Nations, consulted on the Biden administration’s Executive Order on data brokerage and national security, and worked with HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver to pitch, create, and produce its 2022 episode on data brokers. He provides expert witness services on cybersecurity and data privacy matters.