AI, artificial intelligence
Topics and Issues

Artificial Intelligence (77)

Employment Screening (21)

Residential/Tenant Screening (84)

A recent article from Vincent Calderon (3L) in the Duke Law & Technology Review has been published that focuses on AI and its impact on employment and tenant screening. He writes that

Employees and housing applicants are bearing the weight of these new technologies, and current disparate impact jurisprudence is insufficient to litigate against corporations’ employment and housing practices. A disparate impact claim already places significant causation standards onto the plaintiff, and AI, by its opaque nature, further complicates a plaintiff’s case. Although AI is critical to the US’ strategy for economic development, these new technologies cannot become new ways to discriminate.

Vincent Calderon, Unintentional Algorithmic Discrimination: How Artificial Intelligence Undermines Disparate Impact Jurisprudence, 24 Duke Law & Technology Review 28-51 (2024).