New Democrat Coalition
Topics and Issues

Artificial Intelligence (77)

In May 2024, the New Democrat Coalition Artificial Intelligence Working Group, led by Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06), and Vice Chairs Don Beyer (VA-08), Jeff Jackson (NC-14), Sara Jacobs (CA-51), Susie Lee (NV-03), and Haley Stevens (MI-11) endorsed 10 bipartisan, New Dem-led Artificial Intelligence bills that would help ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.

AI Working Group Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) released the following statement on the endorsement:

“Artificial Intelligence is the next great frontier of technological innovation, presenting both revolutionary opportunities and new, unique challenges. To safely and effectively harness the promise of AI, Congress must play a role in educating and preparing the workforce, consumers, and the economy at large.

“The bills we are endorsing today aim to do just that. The 10 bipartisan New Dem-led bills address consumer protection and privacy concerns, risks to our democracy, threats to the workforce, and more. Together, they build a strong foundation of forward-thinking policies to help guide development and deployment of AI to benefit society – not harm it.

“These are critical steps in our approach to AI, but they are only the first steps. New Dems will continue working to position the U.S. as a world leader in AI innovation and safety.”

You can read more about the endorsed legislation here.