Data are facts and statistics collected for reference or analysis.  Data, delivered for good, have powerful opportunities to prevent, among other…

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As reported by Bloomberg Government (paywall), at an open FTC meeting today, the Commission “released the findings of a study on…

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As reported in a CFPB press release, the Bureau issued a series of orders to collect information on the business practices…

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The FTC “has big ambitions to answer the cries from members of Congress and consumer privacy advocates to rein in big…

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According to a recent article in Law 360 (paywall), What FTC’s ‘Penalty Offense Notices’ Mean For Companies, three attorneys at Manatt wrote…

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In just under two weeks, many Michiganders will pick sides when the Michigan and Michigan State football programs collide in a…

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In the absence of an announcement from the FTC, Fordham University has announced the appointment of Olivier Sylvain as a senior…

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As noted in a BallardSpahr blog, The CFPB has added a new section to its Supervision and Examination Manual titled “Compliance Management Review-Information…

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As expected, following the assumption Rohit Chopra to the position of CFPB director, there are leadership changes.  The Bureau has announced…

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Data is everywhere. How it’s used is critical. Data, Delivered for Good, is a blog that highlights the power of data to improve people’s lives. Data helps businesses, governments, and nonprofits prevent fraud, manage public money more carefully, protect the public from crime, and so much more.

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