1. NO TRAVEL NECESSARY Join us from the comfort of your own home or office, it’s a virtual event so leave…

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“I really thought this was the best webinar I’ve ever attended. The speaker was very detailed, easy to follow, and the questions were…

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Background checks are powerful tools to protect the public and when these checks are not conducted or are limited, the public…

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The CFPB issued its Spring 2021 rulemaking agenda. As noted by BallardSpahr, this agenda “represents the ‘new CFPB’s’ first rulemaking agenda…

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On a 69-28 vote, the U.S. Senate confirmed Lina Khan to the FTC.  Khan takes the seat of former Chairman Joseph…

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Andrew Smith, Partner at Covington & Burling LLP, and former Director of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Bureau of Consumer Protection,…

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Last week, Colorado passed H.B. 1134, a bill to Create[] the tenants’ rent payment information pilot program…and directs the Colorado housing…

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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) “moved to reinstate a key fair housing rule rolled back under the…

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Today, Consumer Reports published a completely false and misleading story on alleged credit report errors. The story is based on a…

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The New Jersey Apartment Association had initial concerns with A. 1919 and S. 250, but “the association’s executive director, David Brogan, said…

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