“’I just worry that we are over-promising something to millions of people — that there’s going to be a magic wand…

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There are new sheriffs in town! Join this CDIA Law & Industry Conference panel session as top legal professionals David N. Anthony, Partner,…

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Join CDIA and Scott Steckel, Stakeholder Engagement Program Manager, CFPB Office of Consumer Response, as we explore the journey of a…

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The CFPB issued a Request for Quote (RFQ) to “acquire Alternative Credit Data and Associated Services for the…Bureau.”  The Bureau’s materials…

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The value of employment screening is highlighted in Louisville, Kentucky where a background check for the head of a transit authority…

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The CFPB issued a new report in its Making Ends Meet series. In this report, the CFPB finds that consumers who use…

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CDIA is excited to announce a wonderful lineup of speakers and agenda topics have been confirmed for the 2021 CDIA Law and…

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The U.S. Senate voted 52-47 to pass a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to revoke the Office of the Comptroller of…

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Last month, to coincide with Second Chances Month, the Brookings-AEI Working Group on Criminal Justice Reform issued a report, A better…

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A new survey from the talent acquisition company, Kelly, shows that 70% of “Americans say employers should eliminate blanket-bans that automatically…

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