We have reported before on how California and New York are racing to expand their powers to create mini-CFPBs in their…

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Businesses that are regulated, supervised, and examined by the CFPB likely know what to expect now under Director Kathleen Kraninger, whose…

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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has recently announced the membership of the Taskforce on Federal Consumer Financial Law. The creation of…

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The concept of a “data fiduciary” or an “information fiduciary” is mostly an academic discussion, spilling out on the pages of…

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The the website of the California Department of Business Oversight (DBO) is a posting about the proposal to for Consumer Financial…

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The New York DFS has issued a “consensus [notice of proposed] rule making to amend section 500.17 and Appendix A of…

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In a press release the CFPB announced that it filed “suit against several companies and individuals involved in offering student loan…

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Based on reports from the LA Times and the American Banker, Californian Gov. Gavin Newsom “is planning to create a powerful…

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As reported by the Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Judge Yvette Kane of the Middle District of Pennsylvania has approved a “$562,500…

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As reported by the Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Judge Yvette Kane of the Middle District of Pennsylvania has approved a “$562,500…

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