
Attorneys General (2)

Topics and Issues

Accuracy (40)

Debt collection (6)

Medical debt (44)

National Consumer Assistance Plan (“NCAP”) (3)

Public Records (25)

In May 2015, then Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) and a bipartisan group of 30 other state attorneys general announced that they had settled a matter with Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.  The Assurance of Voluntary Compliance (“AVC”) is available online.

The settlement led to the nationwide credit bureaus’ creation of the National Consumer Assistance Plan (“NCAP”).  As noted by the AGs’ announcement, key features of the settlement include “higher standards for data furnishers,” “limits to direct-to-consumer marketing,” “added protections for consumers who dispute credit reporting information,” Limits to certain information that can be added to a consumer’s credit report,” and “additional consumer education.”  The multistate agreement led by Ohio followed a March 2015 agreement that was announced between the nationwide credit bureaus and the New York Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman (D).